Nothing much to do today.
woke up about 8 in the morning then went out to eat breakfast with my mum. traffic was bad because today is the voting day.
i've come down with a cold. been sneezing since i've woken up. The tingles!
I went to jade pot, had a nice breakfast and then went to buy books. MAXIMUM RIDE. the first book was introduced by Stella. Yu Yang was kind enough to borrow the two continuous books to me.
Thanks! :)
i found the 2nd and 3rd book but the 4th one isn't out yet. so needa wait. i hate it when this happens.
i will be in sibu tomorrow to visit my grandad. Call me evil or bad but i didn't want to go in the first place. Going there, meeting my cousins, i feel like a total freak. there's only one i can actually talk to and understand. The rest is... just simple chats. I just don't fit in. Speaking bad chinese makes it worse. i can't talk and feel comfortable so i tend to be in the background.
That's my mum's side. My dad's,well... i never met them. so yea.
ahh wells. i'm done. i feel like i'm just writing a report of my day one.
signing off.